Mathematics Lessons and References
Math Antics is a great place to get started if you are just beginning your Math study. They offer very enthusiastic and easy to follow Math videos for all our Primary and Elementary little ones!
Purple Math is a comprehensive resource for pre-College math. This website is meant for self study and is an amazing free homeschool resource!
Coolmath features explanations and practice for Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Pre-Calculus. In addition they have math mini games for all ages!
Math is Fun reminds me of Cool Math in that it has just about everything you would want out of a math website! Math is Fun also features more advanced topics like Physics and Calculus.
Khan Academy is the leading online math learning resource in the world (in my opinion). If you don't know Sal Khan is one of the pioneers of free online education. Please check them out!
Annenberg strives to advance teaching in Math schools. They distribute educational workshops, with access to printed materials, for the professional development of K-12 teachers and parents.
CT4ME is a teachers comprehensive resource guided to help integrate technology and Math learning in all common core disciplines, for the middle school to high school student.
Math Bits Notebook is an online textbook for High School students in the U.S.A. Education system curriculum providing full courses in Junior Math (Grades 6-8), Algebra 1 and 2, and Geometry.
MIT Blossoms is an extensive video library which offers lessons aimed at the high/ secondary school students. Check out this high quality free resource coming straight from MIT!
The Organic Chemistry Tutor is a great place to get explanations and examples in a pinch! He has a wide variety of short videos which covers Math from elementary to high school to university.
Alexander Bogomolny gave us his website Cut the Knot to share his Math wisdom. There he uploaded "Mathematics Miscellany" and Puzzles covering Arithmetic , Combinatorics, Proofs, Geometry and more!
The LibreTexts project, is a venture to develop the next generation of open-access texts to improve higher education in Math including most topics encountered before University as well.
Just Math is a very vast online library of video explanations from Algebra to the end of 2nd year Math! Known for his YouTube Channel PatrickJMT, this tutor knows his stuff!
Paul's Notes are full notes and example problems from Algebra, Calculus 1, 2, and 3, and Differential Equations courses taught at Lamar University. Great resource for first and second year students.
Mathologer is just like seeing into the mind of a mathematician. Prof. Buckard Polster covers many topics in higher mathematics, offering helpful animations and often sharing never before seen insights!
Math World outlines pretty well all terms and concepts covered in University level Math. They claim to be the worlds most extensive math resource. Don't use Wikipedia, start using Math World!
Mathematics Interactives and Visualizations
Didax provides virtual manipulative kits for a visual learning student. A great resource for Elementary students taking a visual approach to their study and journey through Mathematics!
Common Core Sheets is a comprehensive resource for Math worksheets for elementary/ middle school. Stop scrolling and start practising or brushing up on your basics for free!
Dad's Worksheets has printables and practise sheets necessary for home learning of math. With 4 daughters, this Dad took it upon himself to create worksheets for the benefit of us all!
Mathigon is an exciting new way of learning Math! Trademarked, "The Textbook of the Future", this website will give a new perspective on learning topics from Grade 6-12, regardless of your level.
Saltire Software gives dynamic visualizations of geometric objects including triangles, circles, and ellipses. Great teaching tool for generating basic geometric objects for students!
Walter Fendt creates Apps on Mathematics that anyone can interact with online! Mainly focused on Geometry, any Math student or teacher alike will find a use for this great visualization tool!
Math Warehouse supplies us with gifs, animations, interactives, and charts to aid with the study of geometry, algebra, trigonometry, calculus and more! Definitely a great find for teachers too!
Math-Aids creates free dynamic worksheets covering all Math topics from Kindergarten to Upper level. Great resource if you are studying Algebra, Calculus, or Differential Equations especially!
Interactive Math provides Math applets so that you can interact with the Math your are learning. Focusing on higher level Math concepts, this is a great website for Calculus and Science students!
MathIn presents math resources, applets and work sheets, intended to deepen knowledge of mathematics. For engineering students, user feedback indicates that some aspects are useful for K - 12.
Brown University presents Seeing Theory, an interactive look at Probability and Discrete Math! Written chronologically, they provide both theory and visuals to aid in learning.
The Wolfram Alpha Demonstrations Project is an immense free library of visuals simulations, and demonstrations. All available in just about any course of study! Great for teachers!
Mathematics Calculators and Tools
Mathway is a topic specific free online graphing calculator. They are a great resource for displaying graphs, computing derivatives/integrals, as well checking your answer!
Desmos is an easy and free to use graphing calculator. Graph cartesian and polar plots, conic sections, probability plots, derivatives, integrals, areas and Taylor Series expansions!
GeoGebra is another easy to use graphing calculator, but can do more than graph. Here they also can plot in 3D, construct geometric objects, and display Gaussian probability curves!
Math Portal provides Math calculators, formulas, tests and lessons for Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, and Linear Algebra. Use this site to check your work and ensure your answer is correct!
Wolfram Alpha is as close as you get to computer aided algebra software, which is not software! On top of algebra and graphing, they feature explanations, diagrams, and much more!
The Geometer’s Sketchpad® software is for teaching and learning mathematics. Sketchpad® gives students visual way to learn mathematics that increases their attention to detail.
MacTutor is an online resource containing biographies of nearly 3000 mathematicians and over 2000 pages of supporting materials. The site is supported by the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
Plus+ Magazine is a fun resource for Math educators and students to stay up to date in the world of Mathematics! They also feature interviews with industry professionals and mini games!
Open Source Mathematics Textbooks
Free Physics Resources
Physics for the 21st Century. Explore the frontiers of physics research with the scientists on the front lines in this 11-unit course in modern physics offered free from Annenberg!
Einstein-Online is a free educational resource put forth by the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics. This is an accessible introduction to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity!
Fear of Physics is an excellent resource for learning Mechanics, Electronics, or First Year Astronomy at home. Each module is loaded with notes, videos, and practice! Check them out!
PhET Interactive Simulations project at the University of Colorado Boulder creates free interactive math and science simulations. These are an invaluable resource for an physics teacher!
The Physics Classroom specializes in High School and First Year College Physics. They offer full modules which include the lesson, interactive component, and practice problems!
PHYSCLIPS is a multi-level, multi-media teaching and learning resource for all Physics from introductory to just about any First Year College Course! Thank you University of New South Wales!
Phys Link: The Physics and Astronomy online portal! They feature the latest physics news and editorials, extensive science reference and constants section, and education section.
Hands-On-Physics provides extensive at home labs meant to supplement ones introduction to Physics! Educators at Concord Consortium designed the modules to be for the technical minded.
The Feynman Lectures are freely available course materials on the principles of Physics. Forever unchanged, these are the full courses actually taught at CalTech by Feynman between '61-'64.
Khan Academy is the leading online math learning resource in the world (in my opinion). If you don't know Sal Khan is one of the pioneers of free online education. Please check them out!
Khan Academy is the leading online math learning resource in the world (in my opinion). If you don't know Sal Khan is one of the pioneers of free online education. Please check them out!
Khan Academy is the leading online math learning resource in the world (in my opinion). If you don't know Sal Khan is one of the pioneers of free online education. Please check them out!
Khan Academy is the leading online math learning resource in the world (in my opinion). If you don't know Sal Khan is one of the pioneers of free online education. Please check them out!
Khan Academy is the leading online math learning resource in the world (in my opinion). If you don't know Sal Khan is one of the pioneers of free online education. Please check them out!
Khan Academy is the leading online math learning resource in the world (in my opinion). If you don't know Sal Khan is one of the pioneers of free online education. Please check them out!
Khan Academy is the leading online math learning resource in the world (in my opinion). If you don't know Sal Khan is one of the pioneers of free online education. Please check them out!