What Subjects Do you Teach?
What is Zoom?
I offer online tutorials through a virtual meeting space, called Zoom. Zoom is a very popular application used for business conferencing and education purposes all over the world. I like to use it because of its screen sharing versatility, student annotation capabilities, and its ease of downloading pictures and video recorded from the meeting. To use it you don’t need to sign up for an account or anything, you just download a link I attach in an email sent before the meeting! I think most students are impressed when they use Zoom and how much better of an application it is compared to Skype!
In the Lesson Style of tutoring, students get to treat tutorials like a discussion, which is a free environment for the tutor to introduce and review concepts and the student to provide immediate feedback. Students will get a more complete story of the content in the course as well as chronological notes on each concept. This style is recommended for students who need to take similar courses to the current in the future and if the student has signed up with substantial time until the end of the course. Students who are self teaching themselves and need support in learning topics would benefit from this approach aswell. Lesson Style is not recommended for students who mainly struggle in either setting up problems or test writing.
The Workshop Style tutorials are structured so that the students get a familiarity with putting pen to paper. We focus on solving problems similar to previous assignments, tests, as well as typical problems of the course. The student will provide their previous assignments, tests, and notes and we will provide typical problems that are commonly used to test students. This synthesis, combined with a disciplined study routine works well to prepare students for midterms and final exams. Therefore tutorials will provide more directed information on the content of the course and have step-by-step explained written examples for reference. This style is recommended for students who want a less conceptual understanding of the material, searching for an extraction of the details.
The Guide Style is structured specifically for students who are working through online coursework and have specific difficulty understanding the teacher and/or their instructions. Students will receive more of a walk through of the course itself. Homework assignments from the course are the main focus in tutorials. Our goal is to make progress in areas such as establishing a disciplined study routine, creating relevant timelines and checklists, making and seeing progress in the course, understanding how to properly learn from the primary course of information (teacher, textbook, online module, etc..), how to build personal confidence and momentum, and how to properly organize your learning to achieve your goal in mind.
Here, students get a more relaxed environment allowing for ideas to flow. Conversation Style works perfectly for students enrolled in graduate studies looking for guidance with their research, individuals looking for consultation on a specific application of mathematics/physics, or students enrolled in a project/laboratory based course seeking help. Tutorial topics are highly dependent on the information presented by student as well as the perceived outcome of the project. This style is not recommended for students looking for support with a traditional course, where you are evaluated by assignments and tests. Although review is always necessary, Conversation Style is designed for applications of taught subjects, not the teaching of the subjects.
Tutorial Styles
Discounts on Offer!
Discounts are available by: more frequent lessons, booking ahead of time, and through referring another student. The philosophy behind offering discounts is to reward students for their dedication towards learning the concept, being organized, and through endorsing the PHYSiMATICS experience. See below for more information on discounts.
Students who sometimes need once a week and sometimes more frequently, will receive discount package for only the weeks where more frequent tutoring occurs. Students who plan tutorial date and time for 4 weeks or greater in period qualify for the Monthly Planner package. Students who schedule tutorial dates and times 8 weeks or greater in advance qualify for the Term Planner discount package. In order to receive Promoter package, student signing up must state referring students name on the registration form or in the consultation. Referring student must have completed a minimum of three hours in tutorial to qualify and student signing up must complete a minimum of one hours in tutorial. Students can combine discount packages Bi-Weeker/Tri-Weeker with Monthly Planner/ Term Planner to receive maximum discount percentage.
How to Sign-up
Introduction Consultation. Visit my calendar to see when there is an available spot to schedule an introduction consultation. An introduction consultation is a great way for us to meet, assess the method of tutorial, and discuss a game plan for your learning. Consultations are 20-30 minutes, so please select a time with no conflicts of schedule.
Wait for reply. Upon submission of the request for an Introduction Consultation appointment, an email will be sent to me. Expect a reply of confirmation within 24 hours.
Search Website for More Information. In the meantime, have a look at the tutorial styles above. Choosing one ahead of time will give us both an idea of what you are looking for during tutorial time. Also, I'm sure you have questions! Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page to see if your question has already been answered.
If you are in a group... If you are signing up with a group of students, organize a group message that works for everyone in your group. Make sure everyone is available to attend the consultation.
Check calendar. Once I have replied with a confirmation of your request, I will add you to my calendar. Upon confirmation, please check the schedule to make sure you are on it!
The tutorial process
Prepare. Once you tutorial is scheduled, you may want to prepare! To prepare for the tutorial, discuss within your group, or reference your notes to determine the types of questions/ topics to be focused on. Once you have decided, please send me an email with a list of topics or .JPG attachment of the types of questions you would like covered. Please include as detailed list as possible, with as much time before the tutorial as possible, so I have time to review!
Click the Link. Before the tutorial, I send you a link to the online meeting room by email. The link brings you to another window. In google chrome, a message appears asking to open the "zoom.us" application. Once you click on the button, "Open zoom.us", another window appears. I have the settings of the meeting so that I have to be in the meeting room first for anyone to join.
Join the meeting. Once I am in the meeting, the video conference window will automatically open. The window asks permission to join audio. After you have joined your video, your screen appears in the top of the window and my screen appears in the bottom and is enlarged.
Start the Tutorial. Upon arrival, we will catch up on the material you would like to go over at the current date. If you are returning student(s), I may have assigned a practice problem, at which point we would briefly discuss the solution and conceptual understanding.
The Tutorial. Depending on the tutorial style you have chosen, we will then partake in an exchange of information. If you give me your attention and feedback, and I provide you with both conceptual and practical approach to the subject, I can guarantee growth for the both of us! Tutorials are structured to inhabit communication in a real-time conversation on the subject. Remember, part of finding the solution is in asking the right question!
Note. Some students do take notes, because that is the way they are used to learning, however I recommend we do things differently. All online tutorials come with a free PDF and MP4 download after the tutorial is over. In order to activate your attention and retention I invite you to participate in the lesson as much as possible!
For groups. If you are a group of students, I prefer to reserve 20-30 min at the end of the tutorial for open discussion. This is always a super productive way of reviewing the subject and promotion of sharing within the group. Best case scenario, I spark a heated discussion about Math or Physics which spans long after the tutorial...!
Ending the meeting. After the meeting is over, just click the x in one of the top corners (Right-hand side for most PC's, Left hand side for Mac's). This window will appear asking if you want to leave the meeting, click "Leave Meeting".
In the meantime. After the tutorial ends, students are invited to work on practice problems and ask questions directly to my email. I can't promise that I will be able to answer your question in a time-frame, however I do my best to help out students for the in between time. The amount of work you put in, I am willing to match!
Payment. At the end of the tutorial, please pay me! Information on pricing can be found here. If you have signed up with a group, or have booked multiple sessions with me, we will have discussed your discount amount. The interact e-transfer payment can be sent to the email you have contacted me with! Invoices are send each week. All payments are entitled to a receipt.
Discounts. To discourage students from thinking education can be a one-off, I offer discount packages based on advanced payment and booking of tutoring. If you have had a tutorial with me already, I recommend we discuss a plan to ensure you are fully supported in your end goal.